Americans Divide Over Independence
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a civil war is a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same state or country. By this definition or any objective measure, our nation experienced a civil war from about 1773 to 1783. It was much worse in its intensity and cost than anything from the Civil War, including Sherman’s infamous March to the Sea.

The Boston Tea Party Takes Colonists Past the Point of No Return
The Boston Tea Party is one of the most iconic moments in American history. In some ways, it sealed our fate to separate from England and become our own nation. The road that led to this watershed event began several years earlier with the Townshend Acts.

Mob Violence and the Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was a sad, tragic affair in colonial America and the facts surrounding the event are little understood today. It is a lesson in the danger of mob violence and how matters can quickly get out of hand when leaders do not act responsibly.