American Battlefield Trust
Preserving the American Revolution Through Inspiring Content
Project: Project Revolution
Term: Five Years
Commitment: $1 million
The American Battlefield Trust preserves America’s hallowed battlegrounds and shares our country’s extraordinary national story through the conflicts of the first century of the United States. This history is presented as accurately and completely as possible, with special emphasis on soldiers engaged on the battlefield. The American Battlefield Trust believes a better understanding of these notable conflicts will inspire all Americans to appreciate more fully their history, on the ground where it actually happened, and why it matters today.
In addition to preserving historic landscapes, the American Battlefield Trust conducts programs designed to inform the public about America’s first century conflicts and the consequences of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War.
The purpose of this Americana Corner partnership is to help the American Battlefield Trust to greatly expand its educational offerings about the American Revolution. The grant provides fellowship funding to help emerging scholars conduct research, create and review content and perform other tasks that help to bring American Battlefield Trust products to the public.
Create more than 100 American Revolution videos, including four-minute topical summaries, BattlefieldU, American Revolution animated maps, battlefield-based videos, short videos for students, and more.
Create a dedicated website, the American Revolution Experience.
Create a mobile touring app for the Liberty Trail in South Carolina.
Develop five American Revolution traveling trunks and a traveling exhibition that crisscross the nation’s classrooms and museums.
Support more American Revolution coverage in our National and Virtual Teacher Institutes.
Help send more than 4,000 students to American Revolution sites via our History Field Trip Grant program.
Help offer virtual field trips.
Hold “Generations” events for kids at early American historic sites.
Create hundreds of new American Revolution web pages on the American Battlefield Trust website.
Learn more about the Preserving America Partners program.