Wholesale Book Orders

Available Fall 2023

Reserve your copies now of Tom Hand’s upcoming book, An American Triumph, and offer your visitors an indispensable resource for anyone seeking to explore and understand our nation’s founding generation! By completing this form, you are reserving copies to be purchased upon publication. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to purchase once books are ready to ship.

Wholesale orders are by the case (10 books per case) plus shipping and handling. Reserve four or more cases and receive free shipping. Books are expected to ship late October 2023.

$175 per case ($17.50 per book, a 50% discount from the retail price of $35). Questions? Email Tom Hand.


Take a look inside.


“The American story is truly an inspirational one. The creation of this wonderful country was not inevitable or preordained. It took hard work and bloodshed, brilliant thoughts and difficult decisions, to make it all happen.”